Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (2024)

Florida road signs are there for a reason.

And because of this, it’s important to familiarize yourself with them.

Also, you don’t want to get an annoying ticket just because you didn’t follow one sign.

Well, we’re here to help.

Today, we’re going to give you a complete guide to the Florida road signs. We’ll look at what the sign looks like, as well as its meaning.

So are you ready?

Let’s dive right in!

Florida Traffic Signs

Traffic signs vary in color, shape, and message. As the name suggests, they are primarily used to guide traffic, as well as give warnings or information.

Now, let’s understand all the traffic signs you can find on the streets of Florida.

Traffic Sign Colors

ColorMeaningSample Sign
RedStop, do not enter, yield to other vehicles, or wrong-wayFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (1)
OrangeConstruction or maintenance ahead/on-goingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (2)
YellowGeneral warning of road conditions (e.g. slippery road ahead)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (3)
Fluorescent Yellow-GreenArea markers for schools, pedestrians, and bicyclesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (4)
White / BlackCommand signs for controlling traffic. Can be used to set limitsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (5)
GreenGives directional informationFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (6)
BlueDriver guidance telling you about gasoline stations, dining places, and hotels/inns. Also used as a guide for disabled driversFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (7)
BrownArea signs for public places such as parks, museums, and any historically significant landmarksFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (8)

Traffic Sign Shapes

ShapeMeaningSample Sign
OctagonStopFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (9)
TriangleYieldFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (10)
DiamondWarning for existing or possible hazardsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (11)
PennantNo passing zonesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (12)
CrossbuckRailroad crossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (13)
RoundRailroad advance warningFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (14)
PentagonSchool advance/school crossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (15)
Vertical RectangleRules on the roadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (16)
Horizontal RectangleGuide giving directional informationFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (17)

Florida Regulatory Signs

Now that you understand the traffic sign colors and shapes, let’s look at specific regulatory signs. These give a specific order as to what you should do on the road.

NameSample SignMeaning
Stop SignFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (18)Make a complete halt at the stop line. For roads that have no stop lines, halt before the crosswalk. For roads that have no crosswalks, stop just before entering the intersection where you can see the traffic from different sides.
Four-way stopFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (19)You are approaching a 4-way intersection where all vehicles approaching has to stop. The vehicle that reaches the intersection first should move forward first. If vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle to the left should yield.
YieldFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (20)Slow down and let vehicles pass by giving them the right-of-way. If there are no vehicles, you can proceed slowly. There’s no need to stop.
Do Not EnterFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (21)Usually found on one-way roads. This sign is self-explanatory. It means that you are not allowed to enter, so you should turn around.
Wrong-WayFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (22)Turn around immediately because you are driving the wrong way.
No PassingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (23)You are entering a no-passing zone.
Pass with CareFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (24)You can pass, but proceed with caution.
NO symbolFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (25)Shows what you cannot do. Most of these signs will have words that tell the action you’re not supposed to do.
No U-TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (26)You cannot make a u-turn.
No Right TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (27)You cannot make a right turn at the intersection.
Speed LimitFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (28)Your speed should be lower or equal to the number on the sign.
Speeding Fines DoubledFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (29)Fines are doubled if you are cited for speeding in the area. This sign is often found near school and work zones.
Must TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (30)You should turn right or left. You cannot go straight.
One WayFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (31)One-way road ahead. You should follow the direction where the arrow is pointed.
Keep RightFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (32)Stay to the right of the divider.
No Turn on RedFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (33)You must wait for the green stoplight before turning right.
Left Lane Must TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (34)Vehicles on the leftmost lane should make a left turn at the intersection. If the sign says ‘Right Lane Must Turn Right’, you should turn to the right at the intersection.
Turn LanesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (35)At the intersection ahead, vehicles in the leftmost lane should turn left. The next lane vehicles can turn to the left or go straight.
No TurnsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (36)You cannot go to the right or the left at the intersection.
Center Turn LaneFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (37)The center lane is shared by the two opposite lanes. It can be used for left turns.
Begin Right TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (38)You must yield to bicyclists when you are turning right.
Exit SpeedFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (39)Slow down to meet the maximum speed limit found on the sign.
Slower Traffic Keep RightFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (40)Slower vehicles should keep right or stay in the right lane, especially when they are being overtaken by a faster vehicle.
Restricted Lane AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (41)A lane ahead is reserved for specific purposes, such as buses or bikes during rush hour.
Emergency Stopping OnlyFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (42)You are only allowed to stop in this area if it is an emergency.
No Parking on PavementFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (43)You cannot park on the pavement.
Parking by Disabled Permit OnlyFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (44)Parking in this space is reserved only for those who have an official disabled parking permit or who are transporting a person with a disability.
Move OverFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (45)When approaching any emergency or service vehicle with flashing lights, you must let the vehicle pass by moving to another lane. If this is not possible, you should reduce your speed to 20 mph below the speed limit in the area.

Florida Warning Signs

As we saw, warning signs are yellow and have a diamond shape. These signs give you a heads up on what to expect further down the road.

NameSample SignMeaning
Reduction of LanesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (46)There will be fewer lanes ahead so those in the rightmost lane should merge slowly with the vehicles on the left. Vehicles on the left should allow the ones on the right to merge.
Divided Highway AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (47)Keep to the right as there is a barrier ahead.
Divided Highway EndsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (48)The divided highway ends 350-500 feet ahead. Expect to be in two-way traffic. Keep right.
Merging TrafficFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (49)Be ready to yield the right-of-way to merging traffic ahead.
Pavement EndsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (50)Gravel or earth road ahead.
Low ClearanceFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (51)Low clearance area ahead. If your vehicle is taller than the height on the sign, turn around or do not enter.
Slippery SurfaceFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (52)The road becomes slippery when wet, so drive slowly. Avoid speeding up or braking quickly.
DipFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (53)There is a dip on the road ahead. Go slowly and be ready to turn around or move to the side of the dip that is filled with water.
Bicycle CrossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (54)There’s a bike lane crossing ahead. Be alert for bicyclists.
Pedestrian CrossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (55)Pedestrians crossing ahead. If there are people crossing, yield and let them pass.
Animal CrossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (56)Watch for animals that may cross the road. The animal depicted on the sign can change, depending on the common animal that crosses in that area.
Truck CrossingFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (57)Be alert for trucks entering the road or crossing.
Narrow BridgeFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (58)Stay in your lane when you’re on the bridge as it is only wide enough to accommodate two opposite lanes.
One Lane BridgeFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (59)The bridge ahead can only accommodate one lane. Make sure to check oncoming traffic before entering.
Soft ShoulderFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (60)Don’t leave the pavement because the ground at the side of the road is soft.
Right CurveFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (61)There’s a right curve ahead. Slow down and don’t overtake vehicles.
Double CurveFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (62)There is a double curve ahead (first to the right, then to the left). Slow down and don’t overtake.
Winding RoadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (63)There are several curves ahead. Slow down and do not overtake.
Cross RoadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (64)A road crosses the main highway where you’re at. Check the left and right as you approach the crossroad.
Side RoadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (65)Another road enters the highway where you’re at. Watch for approaching traffic to your side.
Sharp Right TurnFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (66)The road turns a sharp right turn. Reduce speed and do not overtake.
Hill/DowngradeFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (67)The road goes downhill ahead. Slow down and be ready to shift to a lower gear if needed.
Advisory Speed SignFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (68)The highest speed you can go when turning is the one stated on the sign.
Speed Reduction SignFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (69)There’s going to be a change in the speed limit ahead.
Yield AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (70)There will be a yield sign ahead so slow down and prepare to yield to traffic.
Traffic Signal AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (71)A traffic signal is right ahead.
Stop Sign AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (72)There is a stop sign ahead. Reduce speed and be ready to stop.
Two-Way Traffic AheadFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (73)The one-way street you’re currently on will start to be a two-way street.
Roundabout CircleFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (74)There’s a roundabout ahead. Slow down and prepare to yield to oncoming traffic.

Florida Informational Signs

The last of the Florida traffic signs are informational signs. Let’s take a look at these.

NameSample SignMeaning
Green guide signsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (75)Give information about directions and distance
Blue and white service signsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (76)Let you know about services, dining places, gas stations, and motels
Brown and white signsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (77)Give information on parks or places with historical significance
511 Traffic Information ServiceFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (78)Provides real-time traffic updates when the number is called

Florida Traffic Signals

Whether you’re a driver or not, we’re pretty sure you’re familiar with traffic signals (stoplights).

Red means stop. Yellow means prepare to stop. Green means go.

However, these signals are not just for vehicles. There are traffic signals for pedestrians, too. And these are what we’ll look at.

NameSample SignMeaning
Walk/walking personFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (79)You may cross the street.
Don’t Walk/Raised HandFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (80)Don’t cross or enter the crosswalk. If you’re in the middle of the crosswalk when this shows, quickly cross the street.
CountdownFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (81)It is no longer safe to cross when you see the countdown starting. It starts with a don’t walk flashing light sign and ends with a don’t walk sign that’s steady.
Rectangular Rapid Flashing beaconFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (82)Push the button found on the street light by the sidewalk to signal that you are about to cross.
Yellow lightFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (83)Whether it’s steady or flashing, this means that a pedestrian has activated the push button. Drivers should slow down and yield to pedestrians.
Red lightFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (84)If it’s steady, drivers should stop and let the pedestrians pass. If it’s flashing and there are no pedestrians, proceed with caution.

Florida Zones of Caution

Zones of caution refer to construction/maintenance signs or signals. Here are the zones of caution signs in Florida.

NameSample SignMeaning
Construction and Maintenance SignsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (85)These signs are often orange and diamond-shaped. This warns you of construction or maintenance happening ahead.
You might see barricades or vertical panels on the road to keep traffic away from the construction site.
Flashing Arrow PanelsFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (86)Gives oncoming traffic directions on where to go or if it is necessary to move to another lane.
FlaggersFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (87)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (88)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (89)While not exactly road signs, these are people who carry road signs in construction or maintenance zones. They will often wear reflective gear and have red flags or signs.

Florida Pavement Markings

Last but not least are pavement markings. Pavement markings are lines and symbols painted on the road to help direct traffic and guide drivers on when and where they can turn, park, or overtake.

NameSample SignMeaning
Edge LinesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (90)Edge lines can be solid yellow or white lines. A solid white line marks the edge of the roadway to the right. A solid yellow line marks the left edge of the road in one-way streets and highways.
White Lane LinesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (91)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (92)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (93)Single broken white lines are found in same-direction lanes. You may cross this line to overtake.
Single solid white lines mean you can’t overtake since it may be a hazard to do so.
Double solid white lines mean crossing or changing lanes is not allowed
Yellow Lane LinesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (94)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (95)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (96)Single broken yellow lines direct you to stay to the right of the line. You may cross this line on the left to overtake the car ahead of you.
Double solid yellow lines mean vehicles in opposite directions are not allowed to cross the lines
Double yellow solid lines with a broken line on the right/left mean passing/crossing is not allowed where the line is solid
Turn LanesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (97)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (98)Marked with either a curved arrow or two curved arrows.
For one curved arrow, it shows which direction you’re only allowed to turn.
For two curved arrows, drivers from either direction can take left turns.
Reversible LanesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (99)Found on some highways where traffic lanes can be changed to manage rush-hour traffic
Bicycle LanesFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (100)Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (101)Exclusive bike lanes are solid white and usually have a bike symbol on the road
Shared-use lanes are also known as sharrows. This lane is for both motorists and cyclists
White Stop Lines and CrosswalksFlorida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (102)White stop lines are found just before a crosswalk. This indicates that you should stop behind the line to make way for pedestrians.
Crosswalks are marked with solid white lines or diagonal lines. This is where pedestrians should cross.


That was your complete guide to Florida road signs.

Yes, there are a lot of signs to take in. However, most of them are pretty self-explanatory by themselves.

So make sure you look out for these signs and follow them.

Remember, they are all there for a reason.

Safe driving!

Florida Road Signs (A Complete Guide) - Drive-Safely.net (2024)


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