Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Get your answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding academic records and registration at SRU.

Academic Standing and Readmission

Q. How is academic standing determined for undergraduate students?

A. Academic deans determine the academic standing of all students at the end of each semester. Academic standing is based on:

  1. The student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA);
  2. The total number of credits the student has attempted prior to the review. The Attempted Credits also include transfer credits, Credit by Exam credits, and credits for repeated courses. It does not include credits for audited courses.

Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher are in satisfactory academic standing. The following procedure applies to all students who do not meet the required minimum cumulative GPA as specified:

Attempted Credits
(SRU, credit by exam, and transfer credits)

Cumulative GPA


0.5 - 16.0

Below 2.000

Warning Letter

16.1 - 32.0

1.750 - 1.999

Warning Letter

16.1 - 32.0

Below 1.750

Probation Letter

32.1 or more

Below 2.000

Probation Letter

32.1 or more

Below 2.000

Suspension or Dismissal*


Should a student earn 32.1 or more credits and be on probation from a previous term, action is suspension.

A student cannot be suspended or dismissed at the end of any fall or spring semester in which the student has earned a 2.00 or greater semester GPA, even if the cumulative GPA remains less than 2.00.

Q. How is academic standing determined for post-baccalaureate students?

A.The records of post-baccalaureate students with less than a 2.00 semester grade point average will be reviewed by their Dean for determination of an academic action of probation, suspension, or dismissal.

Q. How is academic standing determined for graduatestudents?

A.Probation, suspension, and dismissal actions are taken when a graduate student has not satisfied the university policy for graduate program academic progression requirements for good standing. To review the University Graduate Program Academic Progression Requirements, please click here.

Q. I have received an Academic Warning letter. Now what do I do?

A.If you received an Academic Warning letter, you are a fairly new student at the university whose cumulative GPA has fallen below the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 needed for Good Standing. Because students in this group are fairly new to the university, more serious consequences of poor academic standing are not taken. This gives you an opportunity to take steps to be more successful in your coursework. You will be assigned a Student Success Coach, who will reach out to you to set up an initial meeting. To improve your academic standing, we expect you will have regular meetings with your success coach. The following resources are also available to you:

  1. Your academic adviser, faculty, department chairperson, and college dean;
  2. Department of Exploratory Studies and Academic Progress;
  3. Office of Inclusive Excellence;
  4. Office of Career Education and Development;
  5. Student Counseling Center;

Q. I have been placed on Academic Probation. Now what do I do?

A.When subject to academic probation, the student will be placed on probation for one semester. Students who are placed on probation at the end of summer or winter terms will be continued on probation for the following semester and will not be suspended or dismissed. A student on probation will return to satisfactory academic standing at the end of the semester in which they earn a 2.00 cumulative grade point average.

Q. I have been academically suspended. Now what do I do?

A.Students on academic suspension for the first time will not be able to register for or attend classes at the University for one semester. Summer and Winter terms do not count as a semester for suspension purposes for undergraduate students.

Students on academic suspension for the second time will not be able to register for or attend classes for two semesters. Summer Term and Winter terms do not count as a semester for suspension purposes for undergraduate students.

Students recommended for a third academic suspension shall be dismissed from the University. The student will be dismissed for at least three years, and after that time only special cases will be considered by the Academic Dismissal Review Board. A decision will be rendered by the provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, or their designee, in response to the recommendation of the Academic Dismissal Review Board.

If you are already enrolled for the upcoming summer or winter term, you will be allowed to complete these courses if you desire to do so. Should you attempt any summer or winter course(s), the office of the student’s Dean or the Department of Exploratory Studies and Academic Progress will reassess your academic status.

Q. I would like to return to SRU to complete my degree. What do I need to do to get readmitted?

A.Students who have interrupted their attendance at SRU for any reason may resume studies at Slippery Rock University by applying for readmission.

Students in Good Academic Standing: Students who interrupted registration for one or more semesters and were in good academic standing at the conclusion of the last semester of attendance may be reactivated to attend the institution. Students can apply for readmission through Transfer Admissions. Credits earned during time away from SRU will be evaluated and posted to the student's degree audit by Transfer Admissions. Questions can be directed to

Dismissal/Suspension/Probation: Students who are placed on academic suspension for the first or second time and have an interest in returning to the University after sitting out for the one or two semester period will request readmission through Transfer Admissions. Questions can be addressed to

Q. What is Academic Restart? Am I eligible for Academic Restart?

A.An undergraduate student who has been academically readmitted to the institution and is returning to the institution from an academic suspension or dismissal of at least five years may apply for Academic Restart. Under Academic Restart, all Slippery Rock University grades and credits for courses taken prior to reinstatement to the institution will not be applied to grade point average or earned credit calculations. However, all grades for courses taken prior to the point at which Academic Restart is granted will remain on the academic transcript and academic history. For further information about Academic Restart, its conditions and provisions, as well as the process to request Academic Restart, please click here.

Advisem*nt and My Rock Audit

Q. Who is my adviser and what are their office hours?

A. The name of your adviser can be found within your MySRU portal. Once logged in to your MySRU portal, click the My Profile card. Your adviser will be listed here, and their information is also found on your Rock Audit. If you click your adviser's name, you will be given their email address, campus telephone number, and campus address. Please contact your adviser or academic department for office hours availability.

Q. How do I change my adviser?

A. Individual academic departments are responsible for assigning advisers. Please speak with the department of the major or minor adviser you would like changed.

Q. Where is my degree audit located (Rock Audit)?

A. Audits are available for all undergraduate and graduate students. Your Rock Audit can be found within your MySRU portal. Once logged in to your MySRU portal, click Step 2: My Rock Audit of the Registration card. If you need assistance reading or interpreting your My Rock Audit, help can be found at the My Rock Audit Guide.

Q. How do I know if a requirement has been satisfied on my degree audit?

A. If a requirement has been satisfied on your degree audit, it will be marked with a green checkmark. Courses you are currently taking are marked with blue, half-filled circles to symbolize it is in-progress.

Q. How do I know if a requirement has not been satisfied on my degree audit?

A. If a requirement has not been satisfied on your degree audit, it will be marked with a red circle. On the same line, you will also see “Still Needed” with a description of the requirement that has not been satisfied, including, for example, specific classes you need or the number of credits you still need to earn.

Change Major, Add/Drop Minor, Add/Drop Second Major, Seek Second Degree

Q. What do I need to do to change my first major?

A. Please complete and sign the Major/Concentration Change form through DocuSign, choosing the "First Major Change" option. Once you sign and submit the form, DocuSign will automatically forward your request to the appropriate academic department for your chosen first major. Once the department has approved your request, the Office of Academic Records & Registration will receive your form for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your first major has been updated.

Students are responsible for meeting the major requirements in effect at the time they change majors.

Q. What do I need to do to declare, remove, or change a second major or second degree?

A. Please complete and sign the Major/Concentration Change formthrough DocuSign, choosing the "Second Major Change" option.Once you sign and submit the form, DocuSign will automatically forward your request to the department of your chosen second major. Once the department has approved your request, the Office of Academic Records & Registration will receive your form for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your second major has been updated.

To remove a second major, please complete and sign the Major/Concentration Change for through DocuSign, choosing the "Second Major Change" option. Once your sign and submit your form, the Office of Academic Records & Registration will receive your request for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your second major has been removed.

Students are responsible for meeting the major requirements in effect at the time they add or change their second major. The requirements for all majors must be completed prior to the awarding of the student’s first baccalaureate degree. If you are interested in earning a second degree, please refer to the questions in this FAQ regarding second degrees.

Q. When I change my major, does my adviser also change?

A. Yes, the department for your new major or minor will update your adviser. When this is done, you can find the name of your new adviser in your MySRU portal by clicking the My Profile tab or accessing your Rock Audit. Clicking their name will provide you with their contact information.

Q. What do I need to do to declare or drop a minor?

A. Please complete and sign the Minor Declaration formthrough DocuSign.Once you sign and submit the form, DocuSign will automatically forward your request to the department of your chosen minor. Once the department has approved your request, the Office of Academic Records & Registration will receive your form for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your minor has been updated.

Students are responsible for meeting the minor requirements in effect at the time they declare the minor.

Q. What do I need to do to add or drop a pre-professional advising area?

A. Please complete and sign a Major/Concentration Change form. through DocuSign, choosing the "Change of Pre-Professional Advising Area" option.Once you sign and submit your form, the Office of Academic Records & Registration will receive your request for processing. You will receive a confirmation email once your pre-professional advising area has been changed.

Q. What is the difference between a second major and a second degree?

A. Students may earn one degree with two majors or two degrees simultaneously. To earn one degree with two majors, you must earn at least 120 credits overall, meet the requirements of the first degree, and meet the major requirements of the second major. You will receive one diploma which will indicate the degree of your first major. Your transcript will identify your first degree and your first and second majors.

To earn two degrees, you must have at least 150 credits overall and meet the degree requirements for both the first major and the second major. Furthermore, if your first or second degree is a Bachelor of Arts, you must meet the modern language requirement of the Bachelor of Arts degree. You will receive a diploma for each degree.

Commencement and Graduation

For more detailed information regarding commencement, please visit the Commencement Office webpage.

Q.What is the difference between “commencement” and “graduation”?

A. It is important to know the difference between commencement and graduation. Commencement is the formal ceremony held in May and December. These ceremonies are a celebration of your accomplishments and students who walk during commencement will receive a diploma cover. Graduation is the term used when a student is awarded their degree. Students are awarded their degrees when they have met all the necessary graduation requirements. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not necessarily constitute graduation.

Q. How are Latin honors determined for graduation?

A. An undergraduate student is eligible for Latin honors by earning a minimum of 45 credits at SRU and an overall GPA as follows:

Cum Laude 3.500–3.599

Magna Cum Laude 3.600–3.799

Summa Cum Laude 3.800–4.000

Recognition of Latin honors at commencement will be based on the student’s cumulative GPA at the end of the semester preceding graduation. For December graduates, the cumulative GPA at the end of the summer term will be used to determine Latin honors for the December commencement ceremony, because final grades for the fall term are not due until after the December commencement ceremony. For Spring/Summer graduates, the cumulative GPA at the end of the winter term will be used to determine Latin honors for the May ceremony, because final grades for spring term are not due until after the May commencement ceremony.

Latin honors will be designated on the student’s official diploma and final transcript based on the final cumulative GPA. The final honors designation may change from that noted at commencement based on the grades earned in the last term.

Q. When should I apply to graduate?

A. All SRU students (undergraduate, graduate and degree seeking post-baccalaureate) must apply to graduate. Graduating is not automatic. Students should apply to graduate at least one term prior to their anticipated graduation date.

Please note, students are solely responsible for ensuring they will meet SRU’s graduation requirements as well as those for their respective programs. Be sure to continually monitor your My Rock Audit and meet with your advisor.

Students must apply to graduate by the established deadline for a given term in order to have their name appear in the commencement program.

Q. Will I receive confirmation that my application was submitted?

A. Yes, you will receive an automated confirmation as soon as you have submitted the application. This confirmation email is only to let you know that your graduation application has been submitted. This email is not confirmation that you will graduate.

Q. Is there a way to check my graduation application?

A. Yes, you may view your application for graduation any time at MySRU > Academics tab > Graduation channel > Confirm Application to Graduate.

Q. What if I miss the online deadline to apply to graduate?

A. If you missed the established deadline for the online graduation application for a given term, students must complete a paper Graduation Application, available on the Academic Records Forms page. Please note, there is a separate form for undergraduate and graduate students. The graduation application needs to be completed and can be scanned and emailed to If you missed the online graduation application deadline, we are unable to guarantee your name will appear in the Commencement program or guest tickets will be available. You will still be eligible to walk in the commencement ceremony.

Q. How do I change my graduation date if I have already applied to graduate?

A. Contact the Academic Records and Registration office at 724.738.2010 or

Q. How can I check to be sure that I will be graduating?

A. Review your My Rock Audit to ensure that all requirements have been met or are being met with courses currently in-progress. Students should also consult with their advisor to be sure their degree audit indicates all requirements have been/will be met and resolve any missing requirements or potential problems as soon as possible.

Undergraduate students: Any unmet requirements showing on the degree audit will need to be resolved before your degree can be awarded.

Graduate students: Any unmet requirements showing on the degree audit will need to be resolved before your degree can be awarded. If your degree audit shows that the unmet requirement(s) is some type of Non-Course requirement (ex. Comprehensive Exam), please see your graduate program coordinator. Some departments choose to make the final approval of the completion of the graduate program and these non-course requirements can only be checked off after successful completion of the item at the end of the term.

Q. I have submitted my application for graduation but I need to submit substitutions from my advisor for missing requirements. What should I do?

A. If a substitution/waiver form is to be submitted on your behalf, your advisor and department will submit the appropriate paperwork which will then go through your dean’s office. Once the dean’s office has approved the substitution/waiver form, the paperwork will be forwarded to the Office of Academic Records & Registration for processing.

Q. How many credits do I need to graduate?

A. All undergraduate students need at least 120 overall credits to be eligible to graduate. In addition, students should be reviewing their My Rock Audit to ensure all other degree requirements have been or are being met with in-progress classes.

Q. I received notification that I have not completed all my requirements for graduation. What should I do?

A. You will need to review your My Rock Audit which identifies the specific remaining requirements to be met and contact your advisor with any questions regarding how to complete them. If you need to change your graduation date in order to complete coursework, call the Office of Academic Records & Registration at 724.738.2010 or email academic.records@sru.eduto request your graduation date be moved to the term in which all of your degree requirements will be met.

Q. I have courses to complete this summer, can I still attend commencement in May?

A. If you are completing coursework during the summer, please apply for graduation for the summer term. Your degree will be awarded upon successful completion of all graduation requirements at the conclusion of the summer term. However, you may still attend the May commencement ceremony. There is not a separate ceremony for summer graduates.

Q. Where do I get my cap, gown and announcements?

A. Approved academic regalia, accessories, graduation announcement, and diploma frames may be purchased from the SGA Bookstore.

Q. When will my degree be awarded?

A. Your degree will appear on your official transcript, which is proof of degree completion, once a final review is completed following the posting and processing of final grades at the end of the semester. With the volume of final reviews required to approve degrees, this may take a few weeks.

If you need a transcript or graduation verification confirming your degree, please complete the appropriate form. If requesting a transcript, you may submit your transcript request prior to the end of the term and check the box to have your transcript mailed after degree is confirmed. A hold on your account with the University will prevent your transcript being mailed until the issue has been resolved.

Q. What will be printed on my diploma?

A.Your diploma will state the degree awarded (e.g. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Education, etc.), as well as any Latin Honors received. Your diploma will not state your major, concentration, or minor. Only your academic transcript will state your major, concentration, and minor.

Q. When will I receive my diploma?

A. Diplomas will begin to be packaged and mailed six to eight weeks following the end of the term. A hold on your account with the University will prevent your diploma being mailed until the issue has been resolved.

Q. What if I have a hold with the University?

A. A hold (past due tuition balance, unpaid parking tickets, unpaid library fines, etc.) with the University will not keep you from graduating; however, the hold will keep you from receiving any official documentation from SRU. This would include your official transcripts and diploma. To resolve any outstanding issues, please contact the respective office to discuss.

Q. How long will I have access to my SRU email account after I graduate?

A. A graduating student’s MySRU account and SRU email account will expire 90 days after graduation. This 90-day grace period is extended as a courtesy to assist with post-academic activities such as job searches, etc. We strongly recommend that students make every effort, as soon as it is convenient, to migrate email or data files associated with their SRU email account to a non-SRU personal email account and storage space.

Students might consider setting up an automatic reply on your email address upon graduation to let people know you have graduated and provide updated contact information.

Q. How do I update my contact information in my portal?

A. Current students are able to update their personal information in their MySRU portal. Once logged in to your MySRU portal, click the My Profile tab. Under the My Profile tab, click the Personal Information Page link. In the Personal Information Page, you are able to update your address, email, telephone number, and emergency contact information.

If you are a former student, you can submit a Change of Address formto update your address, telephone number, or email address.

Q. How may I obtain a replacement diploma?

A. You may request a duplicate diploma by completing the Duplicate Diploma Applicationand returning the form to the Office of Academic Records & Registration by scanning and emailing the form to, fax to 724.738.2936 or by regular mail to the address listed at the top of the form. If you are requesting more than one new diploma (i.e. you have a bachelor and master degree), please use a different form for each diploma ordered.

There is a $20 fee associated with each duplicate diploma requested. This fee may be paid here. Before submitting your payment, please contact the Office of Academic Records & Registration at 724.738.2010 to verify your application has been received and there are no issues preventing the request from being processed.

Please allow two weeks for processing.


Q. I recently had a grade changed by my professor. Where can I tell if this has been done yet?

A. Current students can check their grades in their MySRU portal. Once logged in to the MySRU portal, click the My Profile card, then the View Grades link. Alternatively, students can also find their current grades by viewing their My Rock Audit, also available in the MySRU portal as Step 2 in the Registration card.

Q. How long does an undergraduate or graduate student have to correct an incomplete (I) grade?

A. Students generally have a maximum of 12 months after receiving the Incomplete grade to finish all coursework and receive a change of grade. If a faculty member does not submit a grade change form within 12 months, the grade will automatically convert to an “F” grade. Faculty reserve the right to set an earlier deadline for the completion of coursework. Students will not be permitted to graduate with an Incomplete grade on their record.

Q. I received a grade of “X”. What do I do?

A. A grade of “X” means “no grade given.” The X grade may be awarded under the following circ*mstances:

  • If a faculty member determines the student has not completed assignments or that course activities were not sufficient to make a normal evaluation of academic performance, a grade of X may be assigned.
  • The X grade may also be used by an instructor if the student misses the final assessment (project or exam) and that is the only outstanding course requirement the student needs to complete. This is different from an incomplete grade, which students must request.
  • The X grade may also be assigned to a course by the Office of Academic Records and Registration at the end of a term when a grade is not submitted by the instructor. The Office of Academic Records and Registration will notify the dean of the college in which the course is taught that an X grade has been assigned. The dean of the college offering the course will request that the instructor submit a grade change form as soon as possible to assign a final grade for the student.

The X grade will not affect the student’s semester or cumulative GPA at the time the grade is given. However, the X grade must be removed from the student’s record prior to the end of the student’s next semester of enrollment. At the end of the student’s next semester of enrollment, the grade of X will be converted to a grade of F. At that time, the student’s semester and cumulative GPA will be recalculated to include the grade of F. The X grade cannot be extended beyond the student’s next semester of enrollment.

If a graduating student receives a grade of X during their final semester of enrollment, the student will be permitted to graduate as long as the course in question is not required for graduation.

A student should not re-register for a course for which they have received a grade of X in an attempt to complete any coursework. The grade of X cannot be resolved through a second registration or repeat of the course. The grade of X can only be resolved by communicating with the instructor of record to determine a more appropriate course of action for the assignment of a final grade.

Students who have stopped attending class or who have never attended class should be assigned a grade of F. Students are responsible either for completing the required work in the course or withdrawing from a course for which they have been registered. If the instructor feels an immediate failing grade is not warranted, assigning the grade of X extends the student’s opportunity to communicate with the instructor regarding a more appropriate course of action for the assignment of a final grade.

Q. What do I do if my grade for a particular class is incorrect?

Contact your instructor immediately. Once a grade has been posted, it can only be changed by the instructor who originally awarded the grade. If the instructor is no longer employed by the unviersity or is not available for some other reason, the request for a grade change should be discussed with the chairperson of the department which offered the course.

If you believe that a final course grade reflects unsubstantiated academic evaluation, please refer to the Grade Appeal policy and follow the procedures outlined therein.

Scheduling and Registration

Q. How many credits may a student enroll in each semester?

A. For Fall and Spring semesters, undergraduate students can register for a maximum of 18-21 credits, dependent upon their GPA. Graduate students can register for a maximum of 15 credits for Fall and Spring semesters.

For the Summer term, students may enroll for up to 6 credits in Pre-Session, 7 credits in Sessions I and II, and 12 credits in Full Summer, Summer Term, and Post-Session. Undergraduates may take no more than 18 credits for all summer sessions combined.

Students are permitted to take up to 7 credits in Winter session.

Q. When is class scheduling for the next academic term?How do I know the date and time that I will schedule?

A. Please refer to the Academic Calendarfor the dates registration opens, and review your registration time ticket for the specific date and time registeration opens for you. To view your registration time ticket, log in to your MySRU portal. Once logged in, click the My Profile card. You can view your time ticket and other important registration information, such as whether you have holds preventing registration, by clicking Registration Notices in the upper right corner of the screen. Your time ticket will include the day and time your registration period begins.

Q. What courses are offered?

A. View current course offerings by browsing the Master Class Schedule. This is also available to current students in their MySRU portal, Registration card, Step 4: Browse Classes.

Q. How do I add, drop, or withdraw from a course?

A. Open fall and spring full-semester courses may be added on MySRU from the opening of registration through the first eight days of classes (including weekends, excluding holidays). Students desiring to add closed sections or courses for which they lack the appropriate pre/corequisites must secure the permission of the course instructor, who must then issue the appripriate registration override to the student. Once the override is entered by the instructor, the student must attempt to register for the course. Alternatively, the student may secure the permission of the course instructor on a signed Add/Drop form, which must indicate the appropriate overrides.

Students may use MySRU to drop classes through the end of the eighth day of the fall or spring semesters. Students are not permitted to drop Basic Requirement/The Rock courses once the semester begins. Courses dropped during the first eight days of the semester (including weekends but excluding holidays) will not be recorded on students’ permanent records. During fall and spring semesters, students may not drop their last class on MySRU and should contact the Office of Academic Records and Registration for assistance.

After the eighth day of the semester, students must use a Withdrawal form, available through DocuSign. The Course Withdrawal form requires the signature of the student's academic adviser and the professor of the course, who must also indicate the student’s last date of attendance. A copy of the request will be sent to the department chairperson of the course. During Summer and Winter terms, only the professor's signature is required, and academic advisers will be provided with a copy of the request through DocuSign.

Students may withdraw from fall and spring full-semester classes with a grade of “W” between the second and tenth weeks of the semester. Students will not be permitted to withdraw from full semester classes after the tenth week and will be held accountable and awarded a final grade for all coursework assigned during the final five weeks of the semester. For fall and spring courses meeting fewer than 15 weeks and all summer and winter courses, the withdrawal deadline is two-thirds of the way through the course’s beginning and ending dates. Students are not permitted to withdraw from Basic Requirement/The Rock Courses.

Q. I received an error message when I attempted to register for a class. What does it mean and how can I resolve the issue?

A. In general, the error message you receive will tell you who to contact to resolve the issue (e.g. the instructor or department of the course). For an explanation of common registration error messages, see below:

Error Message

Description of Problem


CLASS RESTRICTION –(Freshman, Sophom*ore, etc.) Contact Professor or Department

Student’s class level (FR, SO, JR, SR) prevents registration.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a CLASS LVL override.

CLOSED SECTION - Contact Professor or Department

This course has reached maximum course enrollment.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a CAPACITY override.

COLLEGE RESTRICTION - Contact Professor or Department

This course is restricted to students in a specific college.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a COLLEGE override.


The five-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) entered is invalid.

Enter correct CRN number. If this continues, contact Academic Records.

DEGREE RESTRICTION -Contact professor or Department

Student’s degree type (BA, BS, etc.) prevents registration.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a DEGREE override.

DEPARTMENT RESTRICTION - Contact Professor or Department

Course/section is restricted to students majoring in a specific academic department.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a DEPARTMENT override.


This CRN is already listed on student’s schedule.


Another lecture or lab is linked to this course.

Register for the associated lab or lecture.


Course/section is restricted to students in a certain major.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a MAJOR/MINR override.

MAXIMUM HOURS EXCEEDED – Excess hours form required – contact adviser

You may not exceed maximum credit hours allowed for student’s level (U or G) and/or academic standing/QPA

Complete Excess Hours form with your academic adviser. Form must be approved by the student's dean. Upon approval, Academic Records will increase maximum credits for which the student may enroll.


This course has a time conflict with another course on the student’s schedule.

Student must obtain a Time Conflict Override form signed by bothprofessors. Form must be processed by Academic Records.


Student needs to register for required corequisite course.

LEVEL RESTRICTION – (Undergrad or Grad) Contact Academic Records

Student’s level (Undergrad or Grad) prevents registration.

Contact Academic Records to obtain the appropriate forms.

STUDENT ATTRIBUTE RESTRICTION –Contact Professor, Department or Acad. Records

Course includes/excludes students having a specific attribute (e.g. Honors).

Contact Professor or Department to obtain an ATTRIBUTE override.

PROGRAM/MAJOR RESTRICTION – Contact Professor or Department

Course/section is restricted to students in a specific academic program/major.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a MAJOR/MINR Permit.


Course/section is restricted to students in a specific field of study.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a MAJOR/MINR override.


Student lacks the required pre-requisite course and/or the minimum standardized test score.

Contact Professor or Department to obtain a PREQ override.


Student has already met the maximum number of credits permitted for this course.

Contact Academic Records.


Student has already met the maximum number of times this course can be taken for additional credit.

Contact Academic Records.


Course registration is restricted to those with special permission of the instructor or department.

Students must receive permission to take this course from Professor or Department on Drop/Add form. Form be processed in Academic Records Office.

Q. What is the difference between a drop and a withdrawal?

A. Courses dropped during the first eight days of the semester (including weekends but excluding holidays) will not be recorded on students’ permanent records. Course withdrawals are recorded on students’ permanent records with a grade of “W.” Grades of “W” are not used in the calculation of semester or cumulative GPAs.

Q. I’ve stopped attending class. Am I dropped from the course?

A. No, you are not automatically dropped or withdrawn from courses if you stop attending. If you no longer wish to be enrolled with the University, you must formally withdraw by completing the University Withdrawal form located on your MySRU portal. In your MySRU portal, use the search bar within the Student Links card to search for "Withdraw from SRU." Click the link to access the University Withdrawal form.

Q. Do I need an RPIN for summer or winter courses?

A. No, RPINs are only needed for fall and spring registration.

Q. What if a class I want/need is restricted or closed?

A. Please contact the instructor of the course and let them know the exact registration error(s) preventing registration. If the instructor grants you permission to register, the instructor must first provide you with the appropriate registration override(s). Once the instructor enters the appropriate registration override(s), you must register for the course through MySRU or with an Add/Drop formwith the appropriate overrides marked and the instructor’s signature on the form.

Q. Can I schedule classes with overlapping times?

A. If you attempt to register for two classes with overlapping times, you will encounter a Time Conflict error preventing registration. A time conflict is when the meeting pattern of a desired course conflicts with the meeting pattern of a registered course. The conflict can be because both sections meet for the same meeting pattern or the classes overlap by a few minutes. Students will not be able to register for the classes that conflict without a time conflict override. Students may register for one of the two classes, and then complete a Time Conflict Override form. The Time Conflict form requires approval from both instructors and the student's academic adviser. The student must bring the signed form to the Office of Academic Records & Registration, 107 Old Main, to be registered.

Q. When is the master class schedule available online?

A. The master class schedulefor upcoming terms is typically available two weeks prior to the beginning of registration.

Q. Who can help me decide what classes I should schedule?

A. Your academic adviser is responsible for providing guidance regarding courses required for your major. The Department of Exploratory Studies and Academic Progresscan also help interpret your My Rock Audit and register for Liberal Studies and Rock Studies Program requirements.

Q. Where can I get my RPIN to register for classes?

RPINs are only provided to students by their first major academic adviser.

Q. How do I know if I can register for a class?

A. If you are a current student, your registration eligibility is found in your MySRU portal by clicking the My Profile card. You can view your registration eligibility and other important registration information (such as whether you have holds preventing registration) by clicking Registration Notices in the upper right corner of the screen.

Taking Classes at Another College

Slippery Rock University provides a number of options for students to take courses at other institutions for transfer back to SRU. In all cases, coursework must be approved by the appropriate individuals prior to taking classes elsewhere. In addition, you must request that an official transcript of coursework taken elsewhere be sent to the Office of Academic Records and Registration upon completion of the approved courses. Please refer to the forms link provided for each of the following options for additional information:

Transient Student Status: You can take courses at another domestic college or university for transfer back to SRU by becoming a "Transient Student". When completing courses as a transient student, the courses as well as the credit will transfer back to SRU if you earn a grade of C- or better. Although the grade you earned in the course is posted to your academic record, it is not calculated into your GPA.

You must first complete a Transient Clearance Form outlining the institution at which you wish to earn credit and those courses for which you are seeking transfer approval. You must obtain the signature of your adviser, department chairperson and, in some circ*mstances, the dean of your college, prior to enrolling elsewhere. For additional policies and procedures as well as a copy of the Transient Clearance Form, check out Academic Forms.

Study Abroad Student Status: If you plan on taking advantage of the many opportunities SRU provides through our study abroad program, you will need to complete a Transient Clearance Form just as if you were taking courses at another domestic college or university.

Please keep in mind that this form must be completed and approved as part of the process of applying to one of our study abroad programs and prior to your departure. Please allow ample time for this process and refer to the Office of Global Engagement for additional information on the application process.

Visiting Student Status: You may take courses at other PA State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) universities for transfer back to SRU through the Visiting Student Program. When completing coursework through the Visiting Student Program, the course, credit and grade transfer back to SRU, thus affecting your GPA at SRU.

Through this program, you may only take courses at another PASSHE Institution and must receive approval to take courses from both your home institution (SRU) and the other PASSHE institution prior to enrolling for coursework. For additional policies and procedures regarding Visiting Student Status as well as a copy of the Visiting Student Form, please check out Academic Forms.

University Withdrawal and Readmission

Students electing to withdraw from the university can do so through an e-withdrawal form which is located in the MySRU portal under STUDENT LINKS CARD>ACADEMIC SUPPORT TOOLS>WITHDRAW FROM SRU. Only standard university withdrawals may be completed through this form. For medical-related withdrawals, students should contact the Office of Student Support at 724.738.2121.

Unless suitable proof is submitted, students not living on campus will be withdrawn on the day their withdrawal form is completed and returned, not the day they last attended classes. Students residing on campus will be withdrawn from the university either on the day they move out of their residence hall, stop attending classes or last use their meal plan, whichever date is latest. The last official day to withdraw from the University (all classes) is the day before Final Exams start. Please see the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Students who have left the university for whatever reason and for whatever length of time and are readmitted are responsible for meeting all graduation (general education and major) requirements that are in effect the term they are readmitted, not the term they originally entered the university.

Return:Students who have interrupted their attendance at SRU for any reason may resume studies at Slippery Rock University by applying for readmission.

Students in Good Academic Standing: Students who interrupted registration for one or more semesters and were in good academic standing at the conclusion of the last semester of attendance may be reactivated to attend the institution. Students can apply for readmission through Transfer Admissions. Credits earned during time away from SRU will be evaluated and posted to the student's degree audit by Transfer Admissions. Questions can be directed to

Dismissal/Suspension/Probation: Students who are placed on academic suspension for the first or second time and have an interest in returning to the University after sitting out for the one or two semester period will request readmission through Transfer Admissions. Questions can be addressed to

Medical Readmission:Please contact the Director of Student Support at 724.738.2121 to process a medical readmission.

Updating Contact Information

Q. How do I change my personal information? (chosen name, gender, local or home address, phone numbers, etc.)

A. Current students are able to update their personal information in their MySRU portal. Once logged in to your MySRU portal, click the My Profile card. On My Profile, click the Personal Information Page link. On the Personal Information Page, you are able to update your chosen first name, gender, address, email, telephone number, and emergency contact information. For detailed instructions on how to update your personal information, click here.

If you are a former student, you can submit a Change of Address formto update your address, telephone number, or email address.

Q. How do I change my legal name?

A. Students may have their names changed on official university records only after submitting an official document (marriage certificate, court record, etc.) or a notarized statement that a name change has occurred and the new name is not being used for any deceptive or fraudulent purpose. Please refer to the Legal Name Change formfor further information and instructions.

Q. Can I add a preferred/chosen name?

A. The university recognizes that many members of its community use first or middle names other than their legal names. For some students, a chosen first/middle name may be an important component of their identity. Therefore, the university has established a policy that allows students to indicate their chosen first/middle names to the university community, even if they have not changed their legal names.

A student’s chosen first name will be used instead of the person’s legal name in select university-related systems and documents as listed below. The legal name will be used in all university-related systems and documents related to official university records as listed below.

Preferred names will appear in these places:

  • University communications and mailings to student's permanent home address
  • Student information system, where applicable
  • Official student email display name
  • advising profile
  • class rosters
  • D2L
  • CORE

Students may elect to use their preferred name in the following places:

  • Student identification cards*
  • Diploma
  • Commencement program and cards

*Students wishing to obtain a new student ID card should visit the Parking and ID Office.

Legal names will continue to be used for official university records including but not limited to the following:

  • Legal documents and reports produced by the university
  • Student account statements (bills)
  • Financial aid and scholarship documents
  • Transcripts
  • Enrollment verifications
  • Degree verifications
  • Student employment documents
  • Paychecks, W2s, and other Payroll documents.

Please review the full Chosen/Preferred Name policy.

Miscellaneous Questions

Q. I need to verify that I am a full-time/part-time student. How can I do this?

A. Free self-service enrollment verifications are available to current students through the MySRU portal. Under the Student Links card, you will find link to Self Service Enrollment Verification. This link will direct you to the National Student Clearinghouse page where you can then select to print your “current enrollment” or “all enrollments” and then select “Obtain an Enrollment Certificate” to immediately print your enrollment verification.

If the self-service Proof of Enrollment certificate is not accepted by the individual/organization requesting your enrollment information or if you need your GPA or degree reported, then please complete an Enrollment Verification Request form. Return the completed form to the Office of Academic Records & Registration, and please allow three to five days for processing.

If you are a former student and need to verify your graduation, you may request a Graduation Verification by completing the Graduation Verification Request form. Return the completed form to the Office of Academic Records and Registration, and please allow three to five days for processing.

Q. I need verification of academic standing for my insurance company’s Good Student Discount. How can I obtain this?

A. Current students can receive verification of their academic standing by completing an Enrollment Verification Request form. Return the completed form to the Office of Academic Records and Registration, and please allow three to five days for processing.

Q. Who should I contact if I will be out of class due to illness, death of family member, military obligation, etc.?

A. Students who miss class due to short-term illness may request written verification from Student Health Services when the student is confined to their residence 24 hours or longer. Written verification may also be provided when a student is hospitalized if the Health Center is aware of the situation.

Prolonged illness or extraordinary circ*mstances such as a death in the family, military obligation, or other major life event must be reported to the Office of the Chief Student Affairs Officer, which notifies the student’s instructor(s) of the absence. Notifications generated by the Chief Student Affairs Officer do not constitute an excuse. These notices are simply designed to make instructors aware of the conflicts impacting a student’s attendance. Attendance policies and procedures for making up missed work are at the discretion of each individual faculty member.

Q. Where can I go if I need help with my classes or am struggling with college?

A. If you need help with classes or you are struggling with college, the is dedicated to assisting you in being successful at SRU. The department is responsible for coordinating Academic Advising and the FYRST Seminar course to ensure each student has ROCK Solid Support. The goal is to provide resources and advisem*nt services that will assist students through their decision-making process by developing educational plans to meet their future career goals.

In addition, to assist students in their academic success, the department also provides other resources designed to help build a monumental future. Students can acquire a tutorto address academic issues, at no out of pocket cost.

Q. What do I do if I forgot my network username and/or password?

A. If you require assistance logging in with your SRU network username and/or password, please call the Help Desk at 724.734.4357.

Q. Where do I see if I have a hold on my account? What do I do if I have a hold?

A. Current students can check whether they have any active holds in the MySRU portal under the My Profile card. Hold information is located in the upper-right of the screen under the Holds heading. You will be able to expand this section to see which departments your holds are with and the reasoning behind the holds. If you have questions regarding specific holds on your account, please contact the office the hold is with for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.